Today, I Don’t Know What To Write About

Danie Roberts
2 min readJun 6, 2019


Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

I’m stuck.

No, seriously. I have no ideas stirring in my head, nothing to form into words to make into a story. Nothing is coming in my mind, whether it’s fictional or something to blog about.

I could write about my dog’s obsession of catching bugs, or how my nephew is starting to teethe. Maybe I could write about how my friends are all getting full-time jobs or moving out and I’m still stuck at home, waiting tables. I could tell a story about my past summers of slinging merch at a concert venue.

But let’s face it. Nobody wants to read that.

So I don’t know what I should be writing about where people will actually want to click on my article and read it. It used to be easy for me. I filled up pages in my notebooks with new story ideas or blog post titles. I was constantly thinking and planning about what to write next. It was fun. I felt like a true writer.

Now, I’m not so sure of it.

They say that writers always have ideas. They always have something going on and a new chapter to work on. They’re always pitching stories to editors for freelance work. Me? I don’t even know how to write a pitch. I especially can’t write a pitch when I don’t know what I want to write about.

So today I’m here to tell you that my mind is blank. I have nothing important to write about that goes on in my life or someone else’s, fictional or real. I’ve got nothing to pitch. No chapters to outline. Not even a clever tweet.

I have nothing to offer. And man, I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way every now and then.

📝 Read this story later in Journal.

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Danie Roberts

Writing is what I do best. Content with reading books, listening to music, and fighting the patriarchy.